The following are the current actions that the state is recommending concerning the CoronaVirus. Given the risks and concerns many people have, I am offering Telehealth appointments to anyone that has concerns and would prefer this service at this time.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)Interim Recommendations for COVID-19 Community Mitigation Strategies at Workplaces:
1. Encourage employees to stay home when sick and to notify supervisors of illness.
2. Communicate and reinforce best practices for washing hands covering coughs and sneezes.
3. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, like doorknobs, keyboards, cell phones, and light switches.
4. Ensure hand hygiene supplies are readily accessible throughout the workplace.
5. Encourage staff to tele-work when feasible, particularly individuals at risk of severe illness.
6. Implement social distancing measures as feasible, including limiting in-person meetings.
7. Limit large work-related gatherings (e.g., staff meetings and after-work functions).
8. Limit non-essential work travel.9.Cancel or postpone large gatherings, conferences, and sporting events (e.g., greater than 100 people in a shared space).
10. Discourage employees from eating meals in a large group setting, such as a cafeteria.
11. Tailor continuity of operation plans to the COVID-19 threat.
To begin utilizing this service; (Please check with us for insurance or payment options first.)
Inform us that you would like to begin telehealth appointments. (Txt Nine06-two8five-27three8 for appointment)
You must have Internet Access with a device that supports video streaming.
You may use one of two sites I have available. For single or individual sessions
Please inform me in advance if this is what you would like to do.
We will determine which site you will use. For example if we are doing couples or multiple individuals, you will need to log into the site.